The new family leave model dismantles the juxtaposition of work and family leave

Press release 8th December, 2021

The government's proposal for a new family leave model has been approved by Parliament today. Mothers in Business (MiB) praises the model's flexibility in reconciling family leave and work, as well as the strong message of equality of the so-called 7 + 7 model. The question remains, however, whether the model is able to reach the objective of a more equal division of family leave between the parents. 

Mothers in Business is pleased with the approval of the family leave reform in Parliament. Mothers in Business MiB ry is particularly pleased with the flexibility and the strong message of equality included in the model.

“The new system is finally starting to dismantle the on/off setup for work and family leave. It is excellent that the original proposal was modified to take better account of parents who do part-time work. In the now approved model, family leave days can be used in half and the other half saved for later”, says Annica Moore, Executive Director of Mothers in Business.

According to Moore, the 7 + 7 design of the family leave model is a much-needed message about equality. MiB hopes that the new model will bring about a change in attitude so that taking a longer family leave will be seen as fathers’ right, and a normal practice. 

Mothers currently use over 98% of the family leave that can be freely divided between the parents. Fathers’ share in the use of parental leave in Finland is the lowest in the Nordic countries. About 55% of fathers do not take advantage of their independent share of the family leave at all. 

"We hope that this reform helps tackle this issue. There is still a risk that the quota transferred to the other parent in the 7 + 7 model will be passed on to mothers, as usual, and there will be no change towards a more even distribution of caretaking duties in practice”, says Annica Moore. 

The family leave system should be continuously developed

Although the reform of family leave is a good step towards a more family-friendly and non-discriminatory working life, the development of the family leave system should not be left to this, according to Annica Moore.

"From an equality perspective, it is important to ensure that fathers are able to use their share of family leave."

Mothers in Business points out that concrete measures are needed to enable and encourage parents to distribute family leave more evenly.

“Many workplaces still have an unwelcoming attitude towards fathers’ taking family leave. That needs to change. In the workplace, fathers should be encouraged to take time off. Different types of flexible arrangements and even part-time work could be a solution. Could financial incentives also be created for fathers' leave? ” Moore asks.

“What is often challenging from the employer’s perspective is that the skills of those on family leave are not available. When periods of leave and work can be used more flexibly and smoothly, employees do not have long periods of absence from the workplace, their skills stay up-to-date and the income level remains the same, ”Annica Moore explains. "Often, combining family leave with work is also in the interests of employers."

Alongside the reform, solutions to discrimination are needed

The objective of preventing discrimination related to pregnancy and family leave is included in the Government program.

According to a member survey conducted in 2020, 42 per cent of MiB's members have experienced discrimination or inappropriate treatment related to their family situation. Mothers in Business believes that in addition to the family leave reform, the Government must also take other anti-discrimination measures.

"The family leave reform may reduce the discrimination faced by women, but as a sole measure, it is not enough. We expect the Government to promote other legislative reforms during this term as well," Annica Moore stressed.

More information:

Executive Director Annica Moore, tel. +358 44 705 7333,

Read this press release in Finnish

Mothers in Business (MiB) is a nationwide network that supports career-oriented mothers in balancing work and family. Our aim is to provide opportunities for skills development, networking and career advancement.  Currently, we have over 4500 members and hundreds of volunteers throughout Finland.